Updates on Canary’s Award-Winning Customer Support

Bryan Michalis
Bryan Michalis
September 18, 2024
December 6, 2021
Updates on Canary’s Award-Winning Customer Support

It’s been a busy few months for the Canary Customer Support team. In addition to providing outstanding 24/7 support to our hotel partners and customers around the world, the team has spent countless hours creating and launching new resources and initiatives. 

These various efforts have been noticed and lauded by both industry insiders and our own hotel partners alike. We see support as a crucial aspect of the service Canary provides. We understand that in the hospitality industry, service is everything. It’s our mission to provide the same level of excellent service that our customers provide to their guests.

As the year wraps up, we thought now would be a great time to give everyone a quick overview of what Canary’s Support Team has been up to.

Canary Awarded Hotel Tech Report's Level III Global Customer Support Certification

Hotel Tech Report’s GCSC certification program analyzes hotel technology vendors against critical dimensions of customer support infrastructure. To be certified, companies must open their internal systems to Hotel Tech Report for a full and rigorous assessment. 

Companies certified at Level III have to show they provide customers with a wide array of support services, including: 

  • Active customer satisfaction monitoring
  • Robust and easily accessible product documentation 
  • Quarterly success checks that review progress and share best practices
  • Performance reports that show customers the value of the product or service
  • And more!

We are extremely proud to announce that Canary is now a Level III Global Customer Support provider

Earlier this month, our Co-Founder, Harman Narula, provided the following quote to HTR for a press release regarding Canary’s achievement.

“The Canary support team is largely made up of hospitality veterans and experts who understand that exceptional service is at the heart of any positive customer experience. Every day, we strive to deliver the same level of dedication and high quality service that our hotel partners provide to their own clients. We don't just want to support hoteliers, we want to drive their success. And our clients can see the difference in their results.”

What Our Hotel Partners Say About Canary Support 

Truth be told, the wonderful comments we receive directly from Canary’s customers are far more important to us than support certifications and industry accolades. After all, providing a support service that our customers truly value is the most important thing.

Here are just a couple comments we’ve received from verified hoteliers on Canary’s G2 profile:

“The best and the most simple support system I have dealt with!”

“I enjoyed how easy it was to connect with all the support staff to make our transition to Canary. They also offer a tutorial for you and your team to hop onto and understand the program - which is very user friendly. Again, it continues to be seamless while connecting with Canary's team for any questions or concerns.”

What Canary Support Is Working on Next

As expressed by our co-founder, Canary is highly dedicated to providing a top level of support to our hotel partners. We see it as something that sets us apart in the industry and an area that needs continued, deep investment. 

We plan to continue building towards an evermore comprehensive support experience. We want to not only provide you with answers to technical questions. We want to ensure our partners, all over the world, have the resources they need to make the most of Canary’s solutions at their properties. 

As always, we’d like to thank every Canary customer out there for their amazing support and feedback. We couldn’t do this without you.

Learn How Canary Can Help Your Properties Thrive

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